Augmented reality, also known as “AR” is an interactive experience of a real-world environment where the objects that reside in the real world are enhanced by computer-generated perceptual information sometimes across multiple sensory modalities, including visual, auditory, haptic, olfactory and sensory. In other words, Augmented Reality is the computer generated imagery and content superimposed onto a real-space environment via an interactive display system. On the mixed reality spectrum AR can be conceptualized as the nexus point between base reality and virtual reality. The Microsoft “Hololens” was one of the first commercially available AR systems, while other companies like Apple are working on similar devices such as the “Apple Glasses”.
AR is the vision for a new type of human-computer symbiosis, one that utilizes context aware feedback strategies, to interact with users in more dynamic ways. The AR systems of the future will likely incorporate AI and machine learning algorithms into the display systems that can analyze patterns in the real world, so that their users can optimize the way that they make decisions and move throughout the world around them. AR can be incorporated into HUD systems to provide real time feedback for operational environments. Pilots, ship captains, and truck drivers for example, will be able to use AR in the near future to display traffic pattern data, sequence management, to visualize the steps necessary to complete an operation or automation oversight. There will also be vast applications of AR for engineers and designers as well. They will have the ability to walk into an empty space, and using AR glasses, be able visualize their projects completed, and superimposed onto the realspace around them. This will be an incredible advantage in complexity management, involving projects with multiple components assembled over time. Users will be able to use AR to visualize their projects in different time sequences and see how the pieces of a project will be assembled in the different phases, thus avoiding costly errors in oversight.
AR is designed to overlay new levels of computer generated information to the real space environment in order to assist users in seeing beyond the world in front of them and merge their imagination into reality. The Defense contractor BAE Systems has published their vision for the future of Naval combat interface systems, which incorporate AR as a key component in the architecture. BAE systems has a vision for future royal navy ships, where keyboards are replaced with gesture enabled smart screens and AI enhanced tactical dsta is relayed via AR headsets. A New open systems Architecture will help to integrate these new interactive technologies.
A key concept of the widespread adoption of AR technology will be it’s usability and ergonomic factors. The goal is to present computer information to the user in as natural a way as possible, thus enabling the transformation from 2d user interfaces towards 3d feedback systems. By fusing AR systems into glasses and other lightweight devices, it will allow users to utilize hand movements and nature gestures to interact with cyberspace as well. AR is a way to enhance a users experience of real space by directly interacting with cyberspace, in a method that is natural and comfortable.The applications of AR user feedback devices are potentially limitless, especially when they are incorporated with AI pattern recognition software. In the future, these devices will be able to provide services similar to those embedded within natural cognitive systems. These include learning from an environment in resaltime and providing guidance to the users decision making process to navigate the world more effectively.
In social networking for example AR systems can have a huge impact on the way people navigate social situations. Having an AR display linked to a social network for example will help when meeting new people. In the near future, these devices will be able to analyze a user's data to discover behavioral patterns and trends, in the same way that we naturally do, when we are trying to connect with someone we like. The AR system can then provide guidance in how to proceed in order to achieve the desired outcome. An AR system could see that your date loves italian food, based on psychometric analysis of their social media post. It can then display a list of nearby italian restaurants and the quickest route based on real time traffic updates, all projected onto your glasses.
The use of Augmented Reality will range from media, entertainment, design, engineering, to project oversight and the activities of daily life. Incorporating elements of cyberspace into realispace via Augmented reality is the next step in the journey towards human-computer symbiosis.
Nolan JT Nahar
Evolutionary Cyberneticist
Digital Philosopher